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Check out Updox Telehealth.

Take care of your patients, right where they are.

Increase accessibility and connect to your patients face-to-face, no matter where they are, with state-of-the-art HIPAA-compliant video and audio calls. With Updox Telehealth, the patient experience is front and center, with a streamlined workflow that mimics an in-person visit.  

Updox has dedicated a team to making improvements to our best-in-class Telehealth product. Speak with an expert to hear how adding Telehealth can improve your practice's virtual care and patient engagement strategies.  

Fill out the form to speak with one of our Telehealth experts.

Waiting Room

Work within your
normal workflow

Invite recipients to a waiting room or connect instantly vi a quick chat.


Capture Patient Information

Keep digital documentation during visits

Take notes and capture screenshots, which are saved in a summary document.


Device Testing

Easily test device compatibility

Automatically verify browser, camera, and microphone compatibility with the built-in device test.